Stage gate reviews

Our Stage Gate Review process is a phase-driven go/no-go decision point where project or program activities are reviewed to assure that requirements are met and expected benefits are realized at each phase. In a Stage Gate Review a project or program cannot proceed to the next phase without a “go” decision by the appropriate senior management for a specific deliverable or phase.
Benefits of a Stage Gate Review include:
- Understanding if a project phase is within the tolerances established by a Project or Program Management Office (PMO)
- Verification that the business case is still valid and intended benefits for each phase are realized
- Early risk mitigation to prevent project delays
- Validation of go-to-market Capture lessons learned early to prevent repeated mistakes
- Gain early knowledge of potential user adoption needs
- Provides clear ownership of the end-to-end delivery.
We can provide you with the tools, templates and resources to coordinate and/or lead a Stage Gate Review for your projects or programs.
For more information Contact Us.